Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Personal Narrative My First Day at School Essay - 1722 Words

My first day at school My first day at school was a new adventure for me. I had to wear a school uniform: a blue dress and handmade leather sandals. Having run around all but naked for the first eight years of my life, it was very exciting. At school we learnt about Australian culture and its social classes as well as social classes worldwide. Throughout my studies I learnt that Australia wasnt a classless society. The class to which a person belonged determined how they were treated and we learnt through two particular films: Educating Rita (Willy Russell, 1983) and My Fair Lady (Bernard Shaw, 1964) that it is indeed possible to break the mould and change where you end up in life. Rita is a twenty-six year old hairdresser from†¦show more content†¦Frank has a good job, owns a grand house and hosts impressive, sophisticated parties. He speaks in a very intellectual manner: ?I am afraid, Rita, that you will find that there is much less to me than meets the eye.? To which Rita replies: ?See, y can say dead clever things like that, cant y? I wish I could talk like that. Its brilliant.? Through Frank and Trish the film is putting forward an assumption about the upper class which is that they lead very pretentious lives, a faà §ade that masks a saddening and deep emptiness. This is further accentuated when Trish attempts suicide and says ?When I listen to poetry and music, then I can live?.the rest of the time it?s just me, and that?s not enough.? Also, the film is putting across an assumption about the lower class which is that it takes little to make them happy. This is further emphasized when Rita exclaims,? You think because you pass a pub door and you hear us all singing we?re okay, that we?re surviving with the spirit intact? Another very noticeable assumption that the film is putting across is the differentiation of morals and values of the lower and upper classes. The upper class is illustrated as having very questionable morals and ethics, and this is best understood through Frank, Frank?s partner Julia and her lover. Even though Julia is in a relationship with Frank, she blatantly cheats on him with one of his collogues. Also, Rita further explores this concept when she says, ?oh yeah,Show MoreRelatedPersonal Narrative : My First Day At School989 Words   |  4 PagesBEEP! My digital clock struck 7:00, my light turned on, and I got ready. â€Å"Oh, it’s my first day of second grade,† I remembered while putting on my hat. The sun was shining through my bedroom window, lighting up the corners of the room. This is 2011 in September and I was ready for my first day of second grade. I walked out of my room, seeing my entire family arisen from their peaceful slumber. I sat down at the table, pouring in a bowl of Kix and scarfing them down like I haven’t eaten in days. 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